Dual Style ORGAN
size 3 MB
Dual Style ORGAN is an organ designed to be used with 2 MIDI Keyboards.
Classic vibrate and rotary sound, small church or cathedral organ, piano, gentle-heavenly voices and many dynamic expressive modern sounds.
- Manual 1, Manual 2.
- Nine Standard Drawbars.
- Adjustable Key Click and Percussion – Decay, Level, Color Click, Mix-2nd 3rd.
- Harmonic Intensity for an individual Drawbar – On/Off.
- Delay and Wide Pan, Joystick Twin Filter.
- Scanner Vibrato, Chorus.
- Envelope ADSR.
- LFO, Pitch, Level, Twin Filter-combine LowPass, Band Pass and Hi Pass.
- 128 Presets.

Dual-Style-ORGAN ( 3 MB )