size 0.99 MB
Hula is a dual phaser that can produce very interesting stereo-effects.
Unlike most stereo-phasers it doesn’t pan back & forth, but each channel has it’s own phaser. There’s also an optional lowpass-filter at the end, to smooth out the highs.
- Toggle switch in the upper right corner selects the stereo-mode: in up position both channels are affected by the first phaser, in down position phaser 1 affects the left channel, phaser 2 the right.
- Max & min frequency-sliders set the boundaries of the allpass filter frequency.
- Vertical slider mixes the dry with the wet signal for each individual channel.
- Master mix crossfades the overall wetness (ph1 + ph 2 + LPF) with the dry.
- Optional lowpass filter (LPF) is hooked up after the two phasers.

hula ( 0.99 MB )