size 48 MB
Oatmeal is a 2 oscillator subtractive synth.
- Two oscillators: Waveform, Amp, Tpitch [aftertouch – pitch], Pulsewidth, PWM rate, PWM depth, Trans [transpose], Detune, Touch [aftertouch – osc amp].
- Noise [white or bandpassed]: Amp, Touch, Resonance, Transpose.
- Filter: Filter type, Double [filter doubling], Cutoff, Track [keytracking], Reso [resonance], Split, Mix, Touch [aftertouch – cutoff), Mod (envelope modulation), Velocity, Filter envelope, Speed ratio.
- Envelope: Attack, Hold, Decay 1, Breakpoint, Decay 2, Sustain, Release.
- Distortion: Type, Mode, Oversample, Pregain, Limit, Postgain.
- Chorus: Mode, Rate, Delay, Range, Feedback, Mix: Dry/wet mix, Voices.
- Delay: Unit, Quantize, Input pan, Rotation, Dry, Wet, Length (left and right), Feedback (left and right), Reverse (left and right), Lowpass, Highpass, On/off switch.
- Reverb: Room size, Length, Predelay, Early (reflections), Dull(ness), Bright(ness), 1/2/3, rotate, Dry and wet output gain, On/off switch.
- EQ (5-band parametric equalizer): Type switch, Frequency, Amp, Slope.
- Pitch envelope: Start, Attack, Peak, Decay, Sustain, Release, Velocity, On/off switch.
- Mod envelope: Attack, Hold, etc., Mod depth, Mod target, Velocity.
- Tuning: Tune, Octave, Cut reference, Pan reference, Notes.
- LFO (x2): Shape, Mode, Unit, Rate, Quantize, Cut 1, Cut 2, Resonance, Pitch, Pan, Rate2/1.
- XY Pad: Mod depth, Mod target, CC selectors, Vr (XY random radius) and vs (XY random rate).
- Arpeggiator: pattern, length, Mode, Unit, Quantize, Step, Arp notes.
- Skinnable: Oatmeal is reasonably skinnable.
- + Larger Bigger Skin by Flavours Of Lime
- + 42x Oatmeal Soundbanks
- + Install Help and info

Fuzzpilz_Oatmeal ( 48 MB )