
BugPass size 0.85 MB BugPass  is a a dual-function bandpass and notch filter plug-in. Its primary job is to serve as a bandpass filter, with sliders which enable a quick visual reference to the size of the frequency band being …

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Atom size 0.22 MB Atom is a filter with focus on dynamic, tempo-synchronised modulation. It features five different resonant filter types each with three slope settings – up to super-steep -48 dB/octave. But what makes it special is its two …

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adsrFilter size 0.23 MB  /  0.23 MB adsrFilter is an envelope filter which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth and filter mix. One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass. Bandwidth and filter mix. ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode. Volume compensation for …

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