F1 Filter Box
size 2.65 MB
F1 Filter Box is a very handy sculpturing tool, based on a powerful multi mode filter, modulator and a fast and easy GUI.
The F1 offers 6 different filters shapes: LPF (12 and 24 Db/Octave), HPF (12 and 24 Db/Octave), BPF (12 and 24 Db/Octave), and various methods to modulate the cut-off point: LFO (time based, ms), Sync_LFO – temp based, synchronized to DAW’s BPM setting, Envelope follower.
All these modulation setting can be run in parallel and offer you a very quick and easy to use tool, which sounds just great !
A large XY pad and display screen, together with DAW automation, MIDI control and 32 factory presets – it can easily become your go to weapon for filtering missions.

f1_filterbox ( 2.65 MB )