
Chordator size 0.47 MB Chordator turns incoming notes into full chords of up to 6 notes. Now you can play bombastic power chords and complex harmonies with just one key press 🙂   Chordator  ( 0.47 MB )

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Slitch size 1 MB Slitch is a tool for manipulation of the audio files. Any recording it can turn into a set of percussions, glitches, or even scratches. Plugin based on the principle of separation of the audio file into …

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BugPass size 0.85 MB BugPass  is a a dual-function bandpass and notch filter plug-in. Its primary job is to serve as a bandpass filter, with sliders which enable a quick visual reference to the size of the frequency band being …

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dBounce size 1.41 MB dBounce is an auto pan. It controls the pan position and volume levels of each stereo channel using points which can move automatically by controlled parameters that defines their velocity of movement.   dBounce  ( 1.41 …

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Acquitxx11 size 1.24 MB Acquitxx11 is a FM synth. 4 note polyphonic. 4 oscillators. 2 phasers . 2 flangers. 16 lead and bass sounds.   acquitxx11 ( 1.24 MB )

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ATKExpander size 0.59 MB  /  0.62 MB  /  0.63 MB  /  1.48 MB ATKExpander is an expander / noise-gate based on the Audio Toolkit.     ATKExpander  ( 0.59 MB ) ATKExpander_x64  ( 0.62 MB ) ATKExpander_MacAU ( 0.63 MB ) ATKExpander_MacVST  ( …

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