WNM-1 size 1.05 MB WNM-1 is a 6 oscillators / 3 parts synth. 3 independent modules. 6 oscillators on each module, first five are modulators and can be routed to other oscillators. Sine, Saw, Ramp, Triangle, Pulse, w-noise and p-noise …

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ThoR size 4.19 MB ThoR. 4 Osc, 5 waveforms, ADSR, pan (+ routing). Octave select and micro-detuner. 4 Filter. 3 advanced LFO (+ routing + 4 user memory slots).  Fx (4 delay).  Midi automation. Preset selector. https://www.dskmusic.com/   DSK_ThoR  ( …

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Pluton size 2.39 MB Pluton is a virtual anaolog synthetizer. 12 Voices polyphonic. 2 x Oscillator with 4 waveforms (Sine, Saw, Triangle, Pulse). Noise Generator (White or Pink Noise). ADSR Envelope for Amplifier. Full graphic envelope modulation. It is also synchronizable …

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